Today, we released Matador Jobs “hotfix” 3.6.2 to all users. It contains a handful of bug fixes and the first of many changes surrounding our goal to use only inclusive language in our software.

Inclusive Language

In this release, we began our steady release of changes that remove insensitive language from our code, replacing it with inclusive, and in many cases, more descriptive terms or phrases.

  • All uses of the term “API Redirect Whitelist” (as a noun) is now to “Allowed API Redirect List”
  • All uses of the term “whitelist” (as a verb) is now “register”.
  • You will now see phrases like “you need to register your redirect to your Allowed API Redirect List” instead of “you need to whitelist your redirect URI” or “your redirect URI is not on the whitelist.”

Read more about our plans for inclusive language, and our reasoning, in our recent post on the topic.


This release contains two bug fixes possibly impacting your sites, as well as a few that we found but may not have even bothered anyone. Here are the two biggest ones:

  • Fixed an issue where the Matador Application form may not have always denied a form submission when Google reCAPTCHA was not filled out, resulting in an on-screen error message for applicants.
  • Fixed a backward compatibility handler for versions 3.0.0 and 3.4.0. A filter introduced in those versions for developers to use to customize emails was deprecated in 3.6.0’s big email-related code rewrite, but was given special handling for backward-compatibility into the 3.6.0 release. It was, unfortunately, not working as intended, resulting in some sites using the older developer filters to fail.

As always, complete patch notes are in the readme.txt file, which you can read by downloading the Matador Jobs software from your profile on our site or from the Matador Jobs folder on your site’s file storage.